Let Dr Frederick Lenz's Tapes Teach

I'm Picking Up Good Vibration!

When you meditate and practice Zazen, when you stop your thought, when you focus, you’re creating karmas. You’re shifting your state of mind to a higher vibratory level that will give you a much more expansive view.

- Rama

I am reading the strangest book, titled The Key that a Dharma Center student lent to me. It is a book of an author’s real experience with eternity. One night there is a knock at the hotel door, and this small guy in a suit and hat walks in, and a question and answer session ensues.

The little guy could be said to be God, and some of his answers are very intriguing. He uses the term radiant beings, and he says that the way a being becomes radiant is by increasing the rate of the vibration of the electromagnetic body until it is literally faster than the speed of light. At that point, there is a new view of the universe, and the person’s electromagnetic field is transparent. At that point they understand there is no difference between herself or himself and God.

We are used to the words that Rama has used, that go something like this. As we increase our consciousness through meditation, focus, selfless giving, mindfulness, we move into higher states of mind. We raise our vibratory rate, and we eventually move into Samadhi, again and again and again, until we merge with eternity.

Excuse the sketchy paraphrase above. The point is that from the sitting practice that offers the silence of meditation to the way we apply mindfulness to our daily moments, we have the possibility to move into ever higher states of mind. Rama told us that we literally vibrate at higher rates as we awaken through meditation.

We make choices every moment that can help us spiral into more refined awareness. We can choose between; selfishness or selflessness, pride or humility, hate or love, separateness or unity, adharma or dharma. Each choice has a karmic impact. We move ourselves into higher states of mind, or lower states of mind, depending on those choices. Positive thinking is a practice that shifts our awareness into progressive states of mind. Negative thinking pulls our level of energy down into lower states of mind. That’s Karma.

I have talked before about music’s power to shift our consciousness. Next time you are in a major funk, run, don’t walk to your CD player, and push the button that takes you to your favorite music. The Beachboys old tune, “I’m Picking Up Good Vibrations,” is a reminder that ‘loving good vibrations happen’. Careful not to punch the wrong button, your choice is your karma!


Meditate - There Is No Substitute
Miracle of Silence
Shifting at Stonehenge
Surviving Together, WE Dissolve
You Will Be Free   



From Rama's Teachings

Rama presented thousands of techniques that were intended to help students along their own pathway to enlightenment. Techniques presented here may be useful for you. The teachings are meant to be used by students who are serious about their practice, and their own enlightenment.

A special thanks to
Lynne for her writing, and the inspiration to begin this feature.


      "Dragon Tape Case" graphic was created with original artwork and clipart.