Let Dr Frederick Lenz's Tapes Teach

Meditate - There is no Substitute!

“Beyond the world of thought and sensorial impressions, there are planes and dimensions of perfect light, knowledge and radiant perfection. Meditation is simply a process of moving your awareness field from the awareness of this world, from the awareness of time and space, into eternity, into the eternal dimensions.”

- Rama

Enlightenment Cycle: Meditation

Beginnings are points of inspiration that are like springboards. We stand poised and ready to push off into the year 2004. I can think of only one suggestion for myself, and anyone else who might ask for advice. Meditate.

There is no substitute. I have talked to students who believe that meditation can be replaced by a variety of physical, mental, and or spiritual activities. Retreats, hikes in nature, treks in power spots, and practicing a multitude of mindfulness techniques are among the suggested alternatives to meditation.

Nice try. Avoidance and denial are part of each pathway. It is pretty easy to rationalize away meditation. Meditation can be viewed as a waste of time. A person's busy life can be an excellent excuse for choosing to skip meditation. A person can convince themselves that the stillness of a hike in nature is the same as a sitting meditation. A person can make the assumption that they have reached such a high level of consciousness that they no longer need to meditate.

There was a single constant that I heard in Rama's teachings. Meditate.

As we wave “buh-bye” to 2003, we might take a few minutes to reflect on the year and the pathway. A few minutes will do. It is way too easy to get lost in analysis. Overthinking is overthinking is overthinking. Over analysis of your life and your pathway is a trap.

I had set a few simple goals for myself at the beginning of 2003. Meditate every day. Write every day. Exercise every day, and change my eating habits. I didn't meet a single goal. The good news is, I did meditate, write, exercise, and every now and then made a change in my eating habits. This year, I will pay more attention to “every day”.

Your true nature is light. You are on your journey home, as am I. All action has merit, so reading books, applying mindfulness to each moment, hiking in nature, and writing are part of the journey. None are replacements for meditation.

As we pushoff into 2004, remember. Remember, if you had the incredible good fortune, what it was like when you sat with your teacher, and touched the “highest light in the universe”.


Miracle of Silence
Shifting at Stonehenge
Surviving Together, WE Dissolve
You Will Be Free   
And Why Samadhi?


From Rama's Teachings

Rama presented thousands of techniques that were intended to help students along their own pathway to enlightenment. Techniques presented here may be useful for you. The teachings are meant to be used by students who are serious about their practice, and their own enlightenment.

A special thanks to
Lynne for her writing, and the inspiration to begin this feature.


      "Dragon Tape Case" graphic was created with original artwork and clipart.