Let Dr Lenz's Tapes Teach

Happiness is Each Beautiful Moment!

"I'd like you to practice smiling for five minutes a day. When you practice meditation take five minutes of the meditation and devote it to smiling and focusing on happiness. Everything you do in meditation, of course is amplified. When you are not formally meditating and sitting, see beauty. Beauty is happiness."

"Happiness is a warm puppy" was the koan on Rama's tape on Happiness. No matter how unhappy I feel, and I do, if I happen to run into a puppy, everything shifts. I stoop down so that I can pet the puppy, it nibbles at my fingers, and licks me. I smile, and happiness consumes me. It is really that simple.

Problem is, most of the time there is no puppy. So then, what do you and I do when we wander around in our various states of unhappiness?

I am going to try the technique Rama suggested. I could use some "extreme" happiness. Smile for 5 minutes in meditation, and see beauty instead of living in my thoughts. The mindfulness that pushes away thoughts, and focuses on beauty is a particular kind of passive meditation.

I was watching the prelude to the Oscars, and Joan Rivers shoved a microphone towards the Italian actor who won a couple of years ago, Roberto Bandini, and asked this: "How has your year been?"

He, having no chairs to jump on, looked at the interviewer with great surprise. He was truly incredulous! And he said, "The year, how did the year go?" His voice was raised to an excited pitch, and he said, "No no no, ask me how the moment is, the second, how is this second!"

Joan Rivers was speechless, which is some kind of triumph in itself, and I was enjoying a spontaneous laugh. A moment later the camera panned to a star from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. My daughter said, I still haven't seen that movie, and the Oscars are tonight. I said, "Well let's go see it."

So, happiness is living in the moment.
In the second! Happiness is not illusive, if you stop your thoughts and live in the experience of each moment. Here and Now!

Happiness is a state of mind, and as we live our lives we can select that channel, and choose to live in that awareness.

Well, we could choose to be miserable, whining snivelers, and experience the hell worlds on planet earth. We could, and I certainly do from time to time. But while we are waiting for enlightenment to dissolve us, we might as well make the absolute most of each moment. In spite of the suffering on the planet, we might as well have a great life! It's a Great Life! If we remember that happiness is simple, and each moment can be like hanging out with a warm puppy!

Listen to the talk.

Lynne of the San Diego DharmaCenter


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From Rama's Teachings

Rama presented thousands of techniques that were intended to help students along their own pathway to enlightenment. Techniques presented here may be useful for you. The teachings are meant to be used by students who are serious about their practice, and their own enlightenment.

A special thanks to
Lynne of the San Diego DharmaCenter for her writing, and the inspiration to begin this feature.


      "Dragon Tape Case" graphic was created with original artwork and clipart.    


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