Let Dr Lenz's Tapes Teach

Self Realization - Dissolving What We Know

"Self-discovery is a process of dissolution and creation. We're dissolving what we know to create what we don't know. Dissolution means envelopment in eternity. Creation is bringing into focus new awareness. In self-discovery, as in life itself, we believe that we know who we are. This knowledge changes as we change and develop."


So, then, I guess it is a good thing, that "I don't know" is my current mantra. Perhaps it means that I am just in a transition, and dissolving what I know. With some luck I can look forward to creating what I don't know.

I have been struggling with the "I don't know" syndrome for what seems like a very long time. It is not a particularly comfortable place for a human. The ego doesn't like it.

It is particularly tricky when you are teaching. I mean, people expect teachers to "know". I can remember several years ago, when, as a classroom teacher I wanted to save the education system. I can remember how much I "knew". I was passionate, but I am pretty sure my enthusiasm was overshadowed by my arrogance.

Still, it was a comfortable place for a human. Oh, I had so many answers. If somebody had a question, I had an answer.

Now, when a person asks me a question, I am pleased when an answer surfaces. It is comfortable, for a human. There are times, though, when answers are not forthcoming. There are times, many, when I answer questions, with the disclaimer that this answer seems to work "in the moment".

So, as always, this small quote from Rama helps me understand my confusion, my frustration, my ego and it's current dilemma.

Past the ego, somewhere deeper, I can remind myself that "I" will change. It is the process of dissolution and creation. My ego will continue to feel out of sorts, but somewhere deeper, just beyond dissolution, a new awareness is in the process of creation. "I don't know" what that creation will be, but I will, for awhile.

Lynne of the San Diego DharmaCenter


Increase Your Psychic Abilities!!
Happiness is Each Beautiful Moment!

Your Teacher Will Lead You To Realization

Sharing The Light

Simultaneous Polar Opposite Syndrome
Shower In The Clear Light

Self Realization



From Rama's Teachings

Rama presented thousands of techniques that were intended to help students along their own pathway to enlightenment. Techniques presented here may be useful for you. The teachings are meant to be used by students who are serious about their practice, and their own enlightenment.

A special thanks to
Lynne of the San Diego DharmaCenter for her writing, and the inspiration to begin this feature.


      "Dragon Tape Case" graphic was created with original artwork and clipart.    


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