Let Dr Lenz's Tapes Teach

Dimensions of Power and Knowledge

"Personal power is the ability to go into other planes. To cross that threshold from one dimension to another, it takes a lot of power to do that. Why do that? . . .Because knowledge lies in those other dimensions. Power lies in those other dimensions. Beauty."

If you and I have made a choice to work on self-discovery, we are seekers of light, knowledge and truth. Conventional, or common means of study are useful. We can read books, attend lectures, and gain a great understanding of ourselves, and of the wisdom passed on by learned women and men.

However, if we seek the higher truths, we must step off of the island of the "tonal"--the island of recorded understanding of great scholars. We must plunge into the ocean of the unknown. Only there will we move into the higher levels of knowing. Only in what Castenda referred to as the "nagual" will we attain liberation.

Rama spent a whole lot of time teaching you and me how to raise our level of personal power. The point was not so that we could become powerful assholes.

The point was so that we could skip through doorways and gain the kind of knowing the Merlin offered King Arthur. The point was for us to use the experiences of light love and knowledge that is attainable in the other dimensions.

That is why we meditate. To stop thought, so that we can slip into the doorway of enlightenment. That is why we dream. So that there, in that dimension, our awareness can be taught the secrets of power and transformation.

I had a dream on my recent trip to Berkeley. I was able to hang out in the dreamplane with Rama, and he took the time to answer a question for me.

For those of you who get the Thunderbird Journal (members of Dharma Center) you might want to check out the offbeat one page article I wrote.titled "An Eternity". I asked a question in that article, and Rama spent most of the dream responding to that question.

It is important to treat such moments of power with the proper respect. Those moments happen because we have done our homework. Our personal power is up, maybe just enough so that we can have an experience with power, with light.

Rama explains, "You have to practice and become competent at a certain level, then you can learn something new and move to the next level."

Lynne of the San Diego DharmaCenter


Dissolving What We Know
Increase Your Psychic Abilities!!
Happiness is Each Beautiful Moment!

Your Teacher Will Lead You To Realization

Sharing The Light
Simultaneous Polar Opposite Syndrome



From Rama's Teachings

Rama presented thousands of techniques that were intended to help students along their own pathway to enlightenment. Techniques presented here may be useful for you. The teachings are meant to be used by students who are serious about their practice, and their own enlightenment.

A special thanks to
Lynne of the San Diego DharmaCenter for her writing, and the inspiration to begin this feature.


      "Dragon Tape Case" graphic was created with original artwork and clipart.    


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